Links and data

Warbirds home page: Information about the game and the download for it
Home page of the virtual Warbird squadron - VF-17 "The Jolly Rogers": "We're the Jolly Rogers, who the hell are you?!"
Warbirds Bulletin Board: Topics primarily about WBIII but there is one area set aside for 2.77 WarBirds Player Services offer free e-mail addresses for players of the WarBirds online WWII flight simulator from iEntertainment Network
The WarBirds Training Pages: Welcome to The WarBirds Training Pages. We have compiled all of the information that you need to become a proficient WarBirds pilot in these pages.
F4U tactics: Information on the effective use of the F4U in Warbirds
Warbirds 2.77 aircraft list: Maintained by the "British Bulldogs" (RAF 5 and 9 squadrons)
Glars maps for Warbirds: .pdf file maps
Additional tactical data for Warbirds: courtesy of VF101 "The Grim Reapers" (also part of Task Force 17)
Max overlays: Maps, charts and navigational aids for both Warbirds and Dawn of Aces - excellent!
Ens. Guthrie's old AW VF-17 website: from when I was first introduced to the Jolly Rogers
Dawn of Aces download : a WWI simulation also by iEN - good game
DOA website links: resources, squadrons, newsgroups, etc.

VF-17 det. 277 - part of Task Force 17 (Warbirds 2.77 / Warbirds III)

This site is devoted to information regarding Warbirds ver. 2.77r3 and the role VF-17 det. 277 (a virtual squadron in Warbirds that pays homage to the original VF-17 "Jolly Rogers" that fought during WWII) plays in it.

There have been pilots land here since 03/18/02